2011/4/5 南方日報/李秀婷
■名詞解釋 恐艾症
Yesterday a certain Hong Kong newspaper reported on the "scary Negative AIDS disease." When someone is infected, they show symptoms of lymph swelling, subcutaneous bleeding, slimy tongue, and other symptoms. This disease is incurable so far, leaving infectious disease experts clueless. The disease has continued to spread, infecting several thousand people in six mainland provinces/cities.
The so-called "negative AIDS disease" usually refers to people who suffer from cold sweating, limb numbness and other symptoms that are often associated with AIDS. But these people come up negative on AIDS after repeated testing. The clinical examination reports also showed that they do not suffer from any obvious organic infliction. Therefore these people have decided to call themselves the "negative AIDS infected patients."
According to this Hong Kong newspaper, a Hong Kong resident named Wang had unprotected sex with a Hong Kong female Internet user whom he had known only for six months. Last November he began to suffer from lymph swelling, slimy tongue and decreased immunity. He also suspected that he might have infected his wife. Because he suspected that may have caught a sexually transmitted disease, he took multiple tests but came up negative for AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases.
This newspaper report was quickly picked up on the mainland microblogs. Our reporter saw that a certain famous microblogger posted it at just after 7am. Before noon, it was already forwarded more than 1,000 times. Many netizens sway between believing and unbelieving. One netizen asked the Ministry of Health to come out with an accurate statement to allay concerns.
Yesterday, our reporter began to investigate. Many hospitals have come across these cases. When the symptoms show up, the victims often proceed to AIDS-related Internet forums and diagnose their own conditions. But the AIDS forums usually only take test results as the sole basis. When the AIDS webmasters and other volunteers tried to allay the fears of these suspected victims, the latter decided to break away to set up QQ groups to discuss their own conditions and treatements.
At Sina.com Weibo, the user "Person infected by unknown virus" wrote: "I am one of the 59 patients who participated in the examination conducted by a certain Beijing hospital." According to him, these 59 patients also exhibited the same physical symptoms: mouth ulcers, shriveling gums, pharyngitis, rhinitis, deteriorating eyesight, lymph swelling.
The netizen "Rashness is Devilish" and her boyfriend both tested negative for AIDS and their fears were allayed. But then she began to develop erythema and she got worried again. She went on the Internet to search for information and joined the QQ "Truth Group." At first, she thought that these symptoms arose due to hypochondria. But then she developed other symptoms such as gurgling sounds, headaches and slimy tongue. Now she is firmly convinced that she is not being hypochondriac.
The reporter also found that most of these people had engaged in risky sexual behavior before. They described their disease as "an undetectable HIV-like virus which can spread via saliva and attack the human immune system."
At the Guangzhou Number 8 Hospital, the Infectious Diseases Department director Cai Weiping said that these people could not be suffering from AIDS infection based upon their conditions. Cai Weiping said that there is no way that the antibodies are undetectable. A very small number of persons may be misdiagnosed during a single test, but they can't be misdiagnosed all the time. "They have undergone many different types of tests many times. There is no way that the antibodies could go undetected."
Other Chinese AIDS experts are also almost uniform in saying that the current symptoms for this group do not constitute any medically significant symptoms: These people claimed to be feverish but the doctors could not measure any fever; they claimed to have slimy tongue furs, but the doctors think that they have unbalanced secretions due to nervous tension; they claim to have lymph swelling, but the doctors found that the so-called enlarged lymph nodes were just their muscles; they said that they have skin rashes, but the doctors cannot find any clinically significant skin rash.
Some experts say that these people are providing subjectively significant symptoms but they do not exhibit any major objective symptoms. The existing symptoms are more likely to have been induced by AIDS phobia.
According to the Hong Kong newspaper, the Guangzhou City Department of Health deputy director Tang Xiaoping said that there is no such things as "negative AIDS" in the existing medical science. So if these people do not test positive for the HIV antibodies, they could not be suffering from AIDS or variants. However, Tang allowed for two possibilities. Some of these people are suffering from AIDS phobia after engaging in high-risk sex. Other people may have been infected by some other kind of virus.
The Ministry of Health Center for Disease Prevention and Control leader said that they have conducted epidemiological studies in Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Hunan, Jiangsu and Guangdong on this matter. Blood samples from 59 patients collected from these locations have been sent to the Center for Disease Control in the United States of America for analysis.
In the case of Guangdong province, they were notified in February by the Ministry of Health and they have set up an investigation team consisting of clinical doctors, psychologists, epidemiologists and AIDS experts. The Guangdong province Center for Disease Control AIDS Prevention and Treatment Department director Li Peng said: "We have tested seven to eight samples in Guangdong province, and this clearly cannot be AIDS." He declined to say whether it was another unknown virus because that kind of announcement should be made at the national level.
- Apr 06 Wed 2011 06:11
hk 疑病者稱患"陰滋病" 專家否定存在愛滋病變種 The "Negative AIDS" Epidemic In China